Live from Santa Ana

Jose Solorio has as inspiring personal story to share.
The son of migrant farm workers, Jose went from laboring as a teenager in the fields, alongside his parents, to earning a bachelor’s degree from UC Irvine and a master's degree in public policy from Harvard University.
In his prior roles as our community college board member and State Assemblyman, he focused his efforts on education, job creation, public safety and infrastructure improvements.
Jose successfully worked with Governor Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders to author and co-author laws to reform state prisons, create the state’s first gang czar, and secure grants to help prevent gang involvement and youth violence in Anaheim, Garden Grove and Santa Ana.
In the area of education, he authored laws to improve the way we measure academic achievement, help students learn English faster, train teachers to use data to improve classroom instruction, and reduce the high price of college student textbooks.
Education has always been a priority for Jose. He says a quality college education is what has given him and countless others the opportunity to reach their dreams.
In addition to his work in local and state government, Jose has nearly 20 years of public affairs, marketing, public relations, research and communications experience. He uses those skills to help organizations and businesses - large and small - tackle tough issues and communicate their messages effectively.
After serving you in the State Assembly and on our community college board, Jose is excited for the opportunity to once again serve the people of Santa Ana as your Councilman. Over the years he has realized that to solve real day-to-day problems, there's no better place to do that than at City Hall.
As your Councilman, Jose will make public safety a priority again, partner more closely with our school district, and invest time and resources in every neighborhood.
Often asked why he dedicates so much time and effort in the community, he recites one of Cesar Chavez’s famous quotes: “The end of all education should surely be service to others."